© Tolleson Audio Visual, LLC
Video Conferencing
Which video conferencing solution is right for me?
Let us walk you through it, step by step, to provide
you with the best video conferencing system for
your needs in a package that everyone will be able
to operate.
Tolleson Audio Visual sells and installs Polycom and
Lifesize video conferencing solutions. Design, sales,
installation, and service; we are your one stop for all
your video conferencing needs. We also sell
Bluejeans and Polycom VasS (Video as a Service)
solutions to accommadate all of your video
conferencing needs.
In addition to room systems and bridging services,
we sell USB cameras to use with GoTo Meeting,
WebEx, Skype and other PC based conferencing
services. Whether you need a high quality camera
for a single user or a full-function PTZ camera for a
meeting room, Tolleson Audio Visual has you
Contact us today to order or set up a free
“Many vendors talk about using user
experience as a differentiator but
Polycom backs that up with easy to
use solutions that provide a superior,
simple experience. Eagle eye and
the seamless integration with
Microsoft Lync are examples of this.
Additionally, Polycom offers
customers a tremendous amount of
choice with solutions that operate on
premises, in the cloud or in a hybrid
model that interoperate with a broad
Zeus Kerravala, ZKResearch
Lifesize connects your
organization with award-
winning conferencing
technology that covers
web, audio and video
conferencing. Through a
unique integration of
plug-and-play HD camera
systems and HD phones
and easy-to-use cloud-
based conferencing
software, we deliver a
meeting experience like
no other.
At Lifesize, our mission is
to connect people to
make their workplaces
Video Conferencing Made Simple
Tolleson Audio Visual can integrate your choice of
conferencing system into a complete package for
your conference room including ceiling or table
mics, audio DSP processing, and a simple to use
control system so that anyone can use the system.
Email for a Free